So, when we first moved into our house, our yard was a bit of a mess. It was something we knew we definitely wanted to change, but we kept putting it off for other projects and we just never got around to getting it done last year. Last weekend we got really motivated, worked really hard and got it done! Unfortunately, I can't find any pictures of the yard before last weekend! I didn't take any "before" pictures because I knew I had already taken some when we moved in. I'm still sure I took them, but I can't find them to save my life! I'll keep looking and I'll add them when I find them.
It involved quite a bit of work. First, we had to dig up all our old shrubs and get rid of them. We had mixed types of different sizes.We had 2 Japanese Holly plants that were relatively small, a rosebush and a huge Burberry shrub. The Burberry was really pretty while it still had its leaves, but it looked horrible during the winter. Plus it had thorns.
I was able to find this picture. It shows the random huge shrub we had. The other 2 were not even 1/4 its size. This thing was a beast and it was pretty hard to remove. The size was definitely a factor, but the thorns were just as bad! The roots were huge!
Once all the old shrubs were gone, we removed the old mulch , weed blocker and weeds we had (it seems like everything except the weeds died over Winter). We didn't have a border last year and we really wanted one. It is really annoying to have to keep sweeping mulch off the walkways! After considering all our options, we decided to go with brick. It's pretty, it's cheap, and it reminds us of State :-). Win-win-win! We decided to slightly re-configure the area as well. The previous owners had a large area mulched out and we really didn't like it. We would prefer to have more grass. We decreased the size of the mulched area by a few feet. We planted grass there. We already had some grass seed we bought for patching up areas. We planted the grass in front of the mulched area (hence the straw). After spending a ridiculous amount of time figuring out how we wanted to space the shrubs, we planted our Boxwood! We put down some fresh weed-blocker and mulch. It looks SO much better!

The area beside our front door used to have a shrub. We decided not to put one there this time around. I would like to be able to decorate this area seasonally and it will be much easier without the shrub in the way. Right now we just have some herbs planted here, but we may add a potted plant of some sort. I'm looking forward to being able to put some pumpkins in this space during the Fall and a small tree at Christmas time! The only downside to removing that shrub so far is that it used to hide our water hose. We'll just have to make sure we find something pretty that's large enough to hide it away :-).
We also cleaned out all the dead stuff from the flower bed, planted some pansies and added new mulch. We're going to replace this border with a red one to match the brick. This is something that crossed our mind after the fact and I don't want to risk ruining the flowers, so I'm fine putting this off again. We will likely plant either Tulips of Daffodils here next time around. We'll just replace the border when we put those in the ground in the Fall.
Red and white Pansies.
All in all, I'm really happy with how this project turned out. There is one major, or maybe not so major change I would have made. We already had some grass seed we bought for patching up areas. Since we already had the grass, we just bought straw to protect it while it grew in. I JUST realized (a week later) that it would have been cheaper to buy the one roll of sod we would have needed to cover the space. Not only would it have been cheaper, we would have instantly had grass (our grass has yet to start coming in) and it wouldn't have been nearly as messy. We'll be picking straw out of our mulch for quite a while. We may still end up doing this if we're not successful in growing grass. From what we've heard from our neighbors, they've all had a really hard time with grass seed on our side of the street. The houses on the other side of the street have really pretty grass, but they don't get nearly as much sunlight in their front yards. I really wish our house faced opposite directions. Then we would have the full day of sunlight in our back yard for the garden, and the sun wouldn't be so harsh on our grass.

See that straw all over the place?!?
I'll be sure to post another picture later in the season once we have some grass!